10 Minute Strength Stations

Durbrow Performance Training – Group Training


10 minutes to complete the reps and sets below:

A1: Sumo Deadlift (10-8-6-4-2)

A2: Metcon (No Measure)

Mixed Push Ups



10 minutes to get 3-4 rounds

B1: DB Bent Over Row (4×20)

B2: Metcon (No Measure)

Step Ups or Power Step Ups

4×10 per leg


C: Abs/Wheel Walk/Jump Rope (AMRAP – Rounds)

10 Minutes to get as many rounds as you can:

-PB Ab Roll Out x15

-Wheel or Valslide Walk x30 feet

(Valslide Ab Tuck if needed)

-Jump Rope or Double Under x25